Bulk SMS Services

Promotional/Transactional bulk sms

Promotional SMS is used to send discounts, Offers or promotional activities to send new and existing customers.

SMS are only delivered to non-DND numbers and opt-in numbers.

(note: should nt send related to spam related like lottary and share market related etc.,

if its done by any user, penality is applicable)

Promotional messages can be sent only between 9am to 9pm.

Gateway Bulk sms login credentials
id: demoonline
pw: Demo@1234


Sim Based Bulk sms login credentials
id: demoonline
pw: Demo@1234


SIM BASE NON-DND & DND SMS key-features

Please Note:
– GSM base SMS For Promotional Purpose
– Campaign delivery within 3-4 hours.
– 160 character = 1 SMS.
– 320 charcters = (2 SMS count) MAX
– Other language “69” character Max
– Working Hours would be 10 AM to 6 PM
– Sunday Off


Promo / Trans /Bulk SMS

Rs. 2,999/-



Registration Messages

Rs. 12,499/-


DLT Registration

What Is Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)?
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) refers to the technological infrastructure and protocols that allows simultaneous access, validation, and record updating in an immutable manner across a network that’s spread across multiple entities or locations.

Authorization Letter Sample 

DLT Registration: Documents required for KYC
Proof of authorized signatory.
Self-certification by authorized signatory required on letterhead with name, designation, and seal.
Proof of Identity of the business owner.
POA: Proof of Address.
Consent letter from the parent entity.
PAN Number.
GST Number.


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