A YouTube subscriber is someone who has chosen to “follow” your channel and your content so they can stay updated with your latest videos. In essence, a subscriber can become a raving fan who watches, comments and shares your videos with others
YouTube subscribers
duration two weeks
YouTube cusotmer commernts
(40 to 60% indian comments)
o view comments on a video, just scroll down the video’s page. Replies are threaded to make it easy to follow conversations. All comments on YouTube are public and anyone can reply to a comment that you post. … Note: YouTube apps don’t yet support all comment features.
So one person viewing the same video repeatedly would only generate 3 to 5 views a day, after views cross 300. A viewer being redirected to YouTube upon clicking an embedded video counts as one view. If there is an embedded video with autoplay, it is not counted as a view.
YouTube views
YouTube likes
“Liking” videos on YouTube, rather than being something merely sentimental, means something practical. YouTube staff make it clear that the number of likes — or “thumbs-up” — a video has partially determines its ranking, according to YouTube Analytics.
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